American Girl Wiki

Will Shepherd is a friend of Kit Kittredge.

Personality and Facts[]

Will is a hobo from Texas and about sixteen years old when he is first seen. He grew up on a farm in Texas, and was part of a large family. When the Depression hit, he left his family so as to give them one less mouth to feed.

Will is hardworking, and is willing to work for food and services; he is an honest young man. He's good at square dancing.

In the Books[]

Kit Saves the Day: A Summer Story[]

Danger at the Zoo[]

In Kit Kittredge: An American Girl[]

Will Shepherd KK movie

Max Theiriot as Will Shepherd.

Will Shepherd is played by Max Thieriot. He has a friend named Countee, a girl dressed as a boy. Will has at least four sisters, including Belle and Evelyn. The others are not named.

When a locked box containing Margaret's treasures is stolen, a footprint with a star matching the one on Will's boot is discovered, making him the prime suspect. It turns out that Mr. Berk, his cousin Frederich, and Miss Bond, were actually the thieves and framing Will and the rest of the hobos for the crime.

On Thanksgiving, Will and Countee bring food to Kit's family to share with them.
