American Girl Wiki

Inger Larson is the aunt of Kirsten Larson.

Personality and Facts[]

Inger, like Olav and the Larsons, is an immigrant from Sweden. She was a widow; her first husband, who is not named, died when her daughters were young. She meets Olav who marries her.

Inger is a hearty, practical woman who is experienced with life on the prairie. She has a good sense of business and able to advocate for herself and her family in selling items and making fair trades with visiting Native people.

In the Books[]

Meet Kirsten: An American Girl[]

Kirsten's Surprise: A Christmas Story[]

Inger stays up with the rest of the family, waiting for Kirsten and Anders' return. She warms up some potato soup for the both of them to warm them up. Anna and Lisbeth mention that Olav wanted to look for the two of them during the storm, but Inger had said it would be impossible by foot.

Inger helps Greta unpack the trunk, not noticing Kirsten sneak her red sash and white nightgown out. She is delighted by Kirsten's Saint Lucia's Day surprise.

Happy Birthday, Kirsten!: A Springtime Story[]

Inger is helping with the laundry when the sky grows dark; she's the one to recognize that a tornado is approaching and that they should go into the root cellar. She brings a lantern and the family Bible with her into the cellar, and closes the door behind her. Inger is aware that the men will know what to do if a wind funnel came their way, and she tries to get everyone comfy as she hands out the leftover apples in the cellar as their makeshift lunch. When Miss Winston shows off her quilt, Inger states she was right to save it, as it was beautiful. When the girls decide to learn to quilt, Inger says to Greta she never knew what their girls would learn next. Aunt Inger notices first that the wind had died down and that it might be safe to leave the cellar.

Kirsten is helping Aunt Inger milk the cows when Lisbeth bursts in inviting Kirsten to see Missy's new kittens. Aunt Inger is stern at Lisbeth for being here instead of cooking breakfast and when Kirsten asks for permission to see the kitten, she nods but doesn't smile, telling Kirsten to go on but to be fast about it.

On the day Greta gives birth, Aunt Inger is taking a pot of soup to the Petersons as they've been so sick and would be back by noontime. When Greta starts going into labor and Kirsten rides to get Aunt Inger, she is quick to realize it's Greta's time and runs back to the farm, telling Kirsten not to worry as her mother is healthy and strong. When the baby is born, Aunt Inger waves her apron like a flag and smiles, inviting Kirsten and Peter to go in to see Mama and the baby.

On the day of Kirsten's birthday party, Aunt Inger calls the girls in for sweets and helps serve strawberries and cream. She gives Kirsten a gift; new hair ribbons in Kirsten's favorite color, pink.

Kirsten Saves The Day: A Summer Story[]

When the family visits Maryville for the 4th of July celebrations and to sell to Mr. Berkhoff, Inger shows how good she is at making a bargain. She takes charge in showing off their family's goods to Mr. Berkhoff, including the honey and saving the beeswax for last.

Changes for Kirsten: A Winter Story[]

Kirsten Snowbound![]

Inger goes into town with Greta and Lars to get supplies they've run out of during the winter. Lisbeth repeats her words, that they should be grateful for the wrinkly potatoes. Inger returns with the others riding on a sleigh the following day.

Kirsten and the Chippewa[]

After supper, Inger returns to her weaving at the loom. Inger isn't afraid at all when the Chippewa appear at the window, explaining that Natives stop here to trade with them from time to time and that they only raided other Native people. She beacons the men in while explaining that even though the Chippewa didn't get along with the Sioux, they have always been friendly to them.

Inger greets the leader Five Swans by name, asking what she could do for them today. She accepts their trade of four prairie chickens for their two pies, as they needed the meat and could always make more pies.

Inger smiles when the Youngest Warrior calls Kirsten a raccoon. When Kirsten insults him, she tells Five Swans not to take offense as Kirsten is just a little girl. When the warriors leave and Kirsten asks if they would stop by after the raid. Inger explains they never knew when they'll see them--but says when they do come back, not to do any more name calling.

The Runaway Friend[]
