American Girl Wiki

Evette: The River and Me is the first book about Evette Peeters. It was included with the doll when purchased; it is now available separately as part of World by Us..


See Also: Minor Characters in Evette's Story

Chapter By Chapter Summary[]

Meet The Author and Illustrator/Advisory Board[]

The dedication, information about the author and illustrator, and advisory board are listed at the front of the book before two pages about World by Us and Evette.

Chapter One: Essential[]

Chapter Two: Sunflowers[]

Chapter Three: Makena and Maritza[]

Chapter Four: None Of My Business[]

Chapter Five: Things In the Past[]

Chapter Six: A Sight To Behold[]

Chapter Seven: Cannonball[]

Chapter Eight: It's Personal[]

Chapter Nine: Clean Water Action[]

Chapter Ten: A World By Us[]

Chapter Eleven: The Unity Promise[]

Chapter Twelve: Step Two: Paint and Marigolds[]

Meet The Author: Sharon Dennis Wyeth[]

Real Kids, Real Change[]

Reader Questions[]

Discussion questions for readers about the events of the story.

Advice Pages[]

Informational pages about conservation, environmentalism, and racism. Includes promotion of the books A Smart Girl's Guide: Race and Inclusion and Love the Earth.


See Also[]


  1. School starts on a Tuesday; the date is unstated but possibly the Tuesday after Labor Day, thus setting the start of the book likely near the start of September.
  2. The same day as the community center festival.