Pets and animals that are part of collections, including accessory or clothing sets with pets. Also includes pets with Disney sets.
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All items (275)
- File:Caroline Garnetcalf.jpg
- File:Caroline Inkpot.jpg
- Caroline's Calf, Garnet
- Carrot and Hutch
- File:Carrot, Hutch, and Accessories details.jpg
- File:CecileParrotGames.jpg
- Chameleon Terrarium Set
- File:ChameleonTerrariumSet.jpg
- Chestnut Horse
- File:ChestnutHorse.jpg
- Chicken and Coop
- Chocolate Chip (dog)
- Chocolate Lab Puppy
- File:ChocolateChip dog.jpg
- File:ChocolateLabPuppy2014.jpg
- Chrissa's Pet Llama
- File:Chrisspetllama.jpg
- Disney Princess Cinderella Day Dress, Friends and Accessories
- File:CinderellaDayDress.png
- Class Pet Hamster
- File:ClassPetHamster.jpg
- Claudie's Dog, Dizzy Dot
- File:ClaudieDog-DizzyDot.png
- Coconut (dog)
- File:Coconut2000.jpg
- File:Coconut2001.jpg
- File:Coconut2004.jpg
- File:Coconut2009.jpg
- File:Coconut2014.jpg
- File:Coconut2022.jpg
- Corgi Puppy
- File:CorgiPuppy2014.jpg
- Corinne's Dog with Backpack
- File:CorinneDogBackpack.jpg
- Courtney's Guinea Pig
- File:CourtneyGuineaPig.jpg
- Crisella the Dragon
- Cécile's Parrot and Games
- Hawaiian Monk Seal
- Hedgehog House
- Himalayan Kitten
- File:HimalayanKitten2014.jpg
- Historical Character Pets
- Holiday Reindeer
- File:Holidayreindeer.jpeg
- Hollyhock Horse
- File:HollyhockHorse.jpg
- Honey (dog)
- File:Honey.jpg
- Horse and Saddle Set
- File:HorseSaddleSet2016.jpg
- Husky Dog
- Husky Puppy
- File:HuskyDog.jpeg
- File:HuskyPuppy-21.jpg
- File:HuskyPuppy2019.jpg
- Jackson the Horse
- File:Jackson.jpg
- Jip the Dog
- File:Jip.jpg
- File:JosefinaSombrita2017.jpg
- Joss's Bulldog with Life Vest
- File:JossBulldogLifeVest.jpg
- Julie's Dog Walking Set
- Julie's Pet Bunny
- File:JulieDogWalking.jpg
- File:JulieDogWalkingv1.jpg
- File:JulieNutmeg 2019.jpg
- File:JuliePetBunny.jpg
- File:JuliePetBunnyII.jpg
- Kanani's Accessories
- File:KananiAccessories.jpg
- File:Kangaroo and Joey details.jpg
- Kavi's Dog
- File:KaviDog.jpg
- File:Kaya Animals Big.jpg
- Kaya's Animals
- File:KayaBeaver 2019.jpg
- File:KayaBeaver.png
- File:KayaStepsHighSaddle 2019.jpg
- Kira's Kangaroo and Joey
- Kira's Koala
- Kira's Wallaby Care Set
- Kira's Wildlife Rescue Set
- File:KiraWildlifeRescueSet.jpg
- File:KirstenCats1987.jpg
- File:KirstenCats2000.jpg
- File:KitGrace.jpg
- File:KitGrace2023.png
- File:KitGracePartyHat.jpg
- Mama Cat and Kitten
- File:MamaCatKitten.jpg
- Margay Cat
- Marisol's Dance Duffle and Cat
- File:MarisolDuffelset.jpg
- File:MaryellenScooter 2019.jpg
- File:MaryellenScooter.jpg
- McKenna's Dog
- File:McKennaDog.jpg
- Meatloaf (dog)
- File:Meatloaf dog.jpg
- Mele (Dog)
- File:MelodyBo 2019.jpg
- File:MelodyBo.png
- File:MG Argos.jpg
- Mighty Mae Dog
- File:MightyMaeDog.jpg
- Modern Style Pets
- Packed with Fun Luggage Set
- File:PackedWithFunLuggageSet.jpg
- Paint Filly
- File:PaintFilly.jpg
- Palomino Horse
- File:PalominoHorse.jpg
- Patriot the Foal
- File:Patriot.jpg
- Pegeen the Pig
- File:PegeenThePig.jpg
- Penny (horse)
- File:Penny.jpg
- Pepper (dog)
- File:Pepper dog.jpg
- American Girl Pet Spa and Daycare
- Pomeranian Puppy
- File:PomeranianPuppy-Certificate.jpg
- File:PomeranianPuppy.png
- Popcorn's Rainy Day Outfit