American Girl Wiki
Both "Agnes Pitt" and "Agatha Pitt" redirect here.

Agnes and Agatha Pitt are the aunts of Samantha Parkington; however, the closeness in age make her treat them more like cousins.



Personality and Facts

In The Books

Happy Birthday, Samantha!: A Spring Story

Samantha Saves The Day: A Summer Story

Changes for Samantha: A Winter Story

Samantha Saves the Wedding

Samantha's Blue Bicycle


The twins excited at Samantha's riding and bloomers.

The twins are mentioned by Gardner over the phone; they are coming up with him and Cornelia one weekend to go cycling. The girls are "crackerjack" riders. When they arrive and see that Samantha is wearing bloomers, Agnes goes "Jeepers! Bloomers!" and Agatha sighs longingly that Samantha's lucky to wear them and she can't believe Grandmary let her do so.

In The Film

The twins are not seen in the movie; there is only a character named Agatha Pitt, a young niece of Cornelia who is more in character like Alice Pitt. She starts playing with the wedding veil and accidentally sets it on fire.

